However, I was glad that I ventured out as from the hide I had my best ever views of Water Rails!
Very elusive birds that skulk around inside the reeds and wet willows, more often heard than seen!
The birds I saw today swam across the water too, something I'd not seen them do before!
Also seen were Marsh Harrier, Peregrine, Kingfisher, Snipe, Shoveler, Gadwall, Teal, Mallard, Magpie, Meadow Pipit, Long Tailed Tit, Wren, Carrion Crow, Pied Wagtail and Stonechat.
Below are some photo's from my visit, starting with the Water Rails;
^Above^ - Water Rails!
^Above^ - Snipe.
^Above^ - Stonechats.
^Above^ - Teal.
^Above^ - Male and female Wigeon.
^Above^ - Shoveler.
^Above^ - Mallards.
^Above^ - Mating Mallards! You can just about see the females head underneath!
^Above^ - Marsh Harrier.
^Above^ - Wren.
^Above^ - Kingfisher.
^Above^ - Gadwall.
^Above^ - Long Tailed Tits.
^Above^ - Magpie.
^Above^ - Meadow Pipit.... with Pied Wagtail, bottom pic.
^Above^ - Mute Swans.
^Above^ - Carrion Crows.