
Monday 17 August 2015

Butterflies, Bees and a few birds.....that's August!

As birds are harder to find and photograph in Summer, I notice more nature photographers concentrate on the more visible bugs and assorted mini-beasties!
 I'm no different!
 Photographing small creatures with a mega zoom lens is quite a challenge, but one I relish!
As a consequence they are not true 'macro' shots, for a start I have to stand well over a metre away from my subjects in order to focus on them! The obvious advantage to this of course is the fact the bugs are not disturbed by my photographic presence, especially flighty insects like Butterflies and Bees!

  I had a week off work last week and went on a couple of walks with my family, one at Great Breach Wood near Street and one at Lydeard Hill on the Quantocks. Again, the walks were almost devoid of birds for long stretches!
  I did see a Spotted Flycatcher at Great Breach Wood and a Yellowhammer on the Quantocks, where I also saw a few Buzzards, Linnets and Stonechats.
 Yesterday I popped into RSPB Greylake which also seemed quiet at first, although after a few minutes of sitting in the hide some small birds began to reveal themselves, including Reed and Sedge Warblers, a Blackcap, Chiffchaffs and young Blue Tits.
A Kingfisher also landed on the 'Kingfisher perch' in the middle of one of the lakes, the first time I'd ever seen one use it!

Below are an assortment of my photos from the last couple of weeks;

 ^Above^ - Painted Lady Butterfly at RSPB Greylake.

 ^Above^ - Peacock Butterfly at Greylake (with Wasp!)

 ^Above^ - Brimstone Moth at Greylake.

 ^Above^ - Jersey Tiger Moth in my home Somerset village.

 ^Above^ - Silver Washed Fritillary at Great Breach Wood.

 ^Above^ - Red Admiral Butterfly at Greylake.

 ^Above^ - Cabbage White Butterflies in my home village.

 ^Above^ - Darter Dragonflies in my home village.

 ^Above^ - Grasshopper!!

 ^Above^ - Bumble Bees on Lavender.

 ^Above^ - Bee on Buddleia.

 ^Above^ - Honey Bee on Lavender.

 ^Above^ - Swallows in my home village.

 ^Above^ - House Sparrows in my home village.

 ^Above^ - Young Stonechat on the Quantock Hills.

 ^Above^ - Flock of Linnets on the Quantocks. (There's a male Stonechat in the bottom pic, can you see him?)

 ^Above^ - Female Blackcap at Greylake.

 ^Above^ - Young Blue Tits at Greylake.

 ^Above^ - Young Great Tits at Greylake.

 ^Above^ - Chiffchaff at Greylake.

 ^Above^ - Sedge Warbler at Greylake.

 ^Above^ - Reed Warbler at Greylake.

 ^Above^ - Reed Bunting at Greylake.

 ^Above^ - Singing Wren at Greylake.

 ^Above^ - Quarelling Swallows at Greylake.

 ^Above^ - Kingfisher at Greylake.

 ^Above^ - Grey Heron near Othery, Somerset.

 ^Above^ - Buzzard near Middlezoy.

 ^Above^ - The Little Owl was in it's usual place in Middlezoy.

 ^Above^ - Dog Rose hedge in my home village.

 ^Above^ - Japanese Anemone in my home village.

 ^Above^ - Unsure what this flower is! Grew to about head height, flowers 3-4 inches across!

 ^Above^ - Grasses on the hillside near Great Breach Wood.

 ^Above^ - Exmoor Ponies on the Quantock Hills.

 ^Above^ - The family dog, Charm, the Flat Coated Retriever, near Street, Somerset.

Until next time!

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